We love our children 24/7/365, but do we understand the primary ways they like to receive and give love? It's a good idea for us to understand what makes them tick so we can strengthen our bond.

Many of us have taken the quiz from the book by Dr Gary Chapman,The 5 love languages as adults, but do you know your child's love language?
Remember, at the heart of the love languages concept is the knowledge that everyone gives and receives love differently. In learning more about those ways, we can better communicate love to each other. Everyone can have a primary love language and then a secondary love language or even several secondary love languages. These five “languages,” are:
- Words of affirmation
- Quality time
- Gifts
- Acts of service
- Physical touch
For your young queen:
- If her love language is gifts, she feel good when someone gives her a special present or surprise.
- If her love language is physical touch, she likes to receive hugs, kisses and lots of snuggles.
- If her love language is quality time, she likes it when others do things with her like play a game, watch television, or spend time doing crafts or other fun things together.
- If her love language is words of affirmation, she likes you to use words to tell her all the things you love about her and that she is doing a great job.
- If her love language is acts of service, she likes it when you do nice things for her like helping with chores, helping with school projects, or driving her places.
Remember, we all want some element of this, however, it's all about finding out the primary levers to connect and make our young one's feel loved and appreciated. It's about finding your child's love language, so you can speak it.

If your daughter is younger than 8, it may not be as easy to determine what her love language is off the jump. Have her draw and describe what love feels to her. Also pay attention to things she does.. because a lot of times, our children will show love the way they want to be loved. Working on a journal together helps you also get more insights into how she is feeling.
For ages 9 and up - Take Dr Chapman's Quiz here. We recommend you also take the quiz for 9 year olds even if your child is 8.
Do you know your daughter's primary and secondary love language? Let us know after taking it if you were surprised by the results!
Also remember to teach her the ultimate thing - self-love is the most important! So be sure to build that up every single day.
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