

  1. We do not offer wholesale to the general public. You must have a retail business (brick and mortar) to open a wholesale account.
  2. We also approve wholesale buys for events, fundraisers, conferences etc on a case-by-case basis.
  3. We do not allow our items to be sold on Ebay, Etsy, or similar marketplaces.
  4. You need a physical location to sell our wholesale products (brick and mortar stores, boutiques, kiosks, salons or live events). Online sales of wholesale items must be pre-approved by Beautiful Curly Me

WHOLESALE CUSTOMER resale accounts found to be in violation of our terms will be deactivated and barred from making future wholesale purchases.

Wholesale customer stores will be promoted and featured on the Beautiful Curly Me website and social media as retail partners.

 Contact us with any additional questions: