8 year old CEO Zoe and her Mom at the Target HQ Feb 2020

She's Next: Thank you Ms. Bea Dixon and Target!

8 year old CEO Zoe and Mom at Target HQ Feb 2020

Thank you Ms. Bea Dixon for shining a light on black excellence and paving a way we all can follow. It's because of people like you that our 8 year old CEO Zoe is able to press forward and build this company. She is that next black girl. She watched your commercial last week in awe, as we sat in the room at the Target Headquarters, as 1 of 38 businesses invited to participate in the Black Owned Business Fair and felt a sense of pride and renewed inspiration. You epitomize a Curly & Confident Girl.

Thank you.

Ingrained in our ethos at Beautiful Curly Me is the drive for girl empowerment. This is why we give away 10% of all proceeds to organizations who uplift girls in various areas - education, personal care, training etc. Our communities need this. Our communities need to see so they can be...So Thank you for allowing us see you. Thank you for rising above the hate and shining your light. We are thrilled the world now knows about your amazing company and can't wait to also be on the shelves of a retailer like Target. You inspire us. 

Zoe will one day have the opportunity to speak on a national stage and I know she will inspire other brown girls to know they can do or be anything they choose. In the meantime, she has started to do this locally.  And as her Mother, I am here for it.


Love and Light. 

PS: We are so excited that your sales have doubled. #girlpower!








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